Building life-long relationships with clients who are interested in an independent money management firm.
Jeffrey M. Risley
Managing Member
Risley Capital Management
What makes my firm different?

We utilize indicators that are predicated upon the basic economic laws of supply and demand. Our tactical decisions are not based on someone's opinion, but rather what securities are showing greater relative strength (performance) in relation to the overall market.

This set of indicators will tell when to be offensive, so that we can accumulate wealth or when it's time to be defensive, so we can preserve wealth.

Risley Capital Management LLC
16024 Manchester Road
Suite 200
Ellisville, MO 63011

Phone: 636-405-0432
Fax: 636-405-0432
[email protected]
We use a combination of fundamental and technical analysis to help clients manage risk within their portfolio.
Fundamental analysis will attempt to measure the value of a security by looking at economic and financial factors to determine if the company is underpriced or overpriced.
Technical analysis will analyze past market movements and apply that analysis to the present in an attempt to recognize recurring patterns of investor behavior and potentially predict future price movements.

Copyright ©2011-2022 Risley Capital Management LLC. All rights reserved.

Risley Capital Management is an SEC registered investment adviser that only conducts business in jurisdictions where it is properly registered, or is excluded or exempted from registration requirements. Registration as an investment adviser is not an endorsement of the firm by securities regulators.